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AC055 Dynamic Senior Series Cutter Bowl Attachment

$1,315.00 ex GST

This 5 litre cutter bowl  fot the model PMDH250XL allows you to grind, mix, chop vegetables, garlic, onions, herbs, parsley, nuts, minced meat, parmesan and making soup, mixing, short crust pastry or bread dough.

  • Bowl cutter volume 5 litres

Product Description

This 5 litre cutter bowl  fot the model PMDH250XL allows you to grind, mix, chop vegetables, garlic, onions, herbs, parsley, nuts, minced meat, parmesan and making soup, mixing, short crust pastry or bread dough.

  • Bowl cutter volume 5 litres


Product Enquiry

If you have a specific enquiry about this product, please fill in the form and we'll reply to you as soon as possible.


Master Accessories