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PC66014 Carlisle CaterCooler Blue Exclusive CaterCooler to suit PC300N03 & PC600N03

$215.00 ex GST

PC66014 – CaterCooler™ Exclusive CaterCooler™ – Blue

  • Exclusive CaterCooler™ is perfect for maintaining cold foods for off-site feeding and outdoor events
  • Freeze CaterCooler™ overnight or for eight hours and it will keep foods cold for up to eight hours without ice*
  • Designed to slide into a Cateraide™ End Loader (XT3000R , PC300N), Double End Loader (PC600N), or place on top of food pans in a Top Loader (PC180N)
  • With an overnight charge in your freezer, Coldmas ter® keeps food at or below the S E R VS AF E ® guidelines of 40°F for the entire length of its coldretention period
  • Durable polyethylene shell
  • BPA free
  • E conomical polyethylene will withs tand temperatures from -40° to 180° F
  • BPA F ree

Product Description

PC66014 – CaterCooler™ Exclusive CaterCooler™ – Blue

  • Exclusive CaterCooler™ is perfect for maintaining cold foods for off-site feeding and outdoor events
  • Freeze CaterCooler™ overnight or for eight hours and it will keep foods cold for up to eight hours without ice*
  • Designed to slide into a Cateraide™ End Loader (XT3000R , PC300N), Double End Loader (PC600N), or place on top of food pans in a Top Loader (PC180N)
  • With an overnight charge in your freezer, Coldmas ter® keeps food at or below the S E R VS AF E ® guidelines of 40°F for the entire length of its coldretention period
  • Durable polyethylene shell
  • BPA free
  • E conomical polyethylene will withs tand temperatures from -40° to 180° F
  • BPA F ree

Product Enquiry

If you have a specific enquiry about this product, please fill in the form and we'll reply to you as soon as possible.

