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Dynamic Junior Series MX021 (WAS DMX225)

$1,115.00 ex GST

Not only great cream soups can  be mixed directly in the  bowl, but also fish soups, bread soups, spinach, chopped salads and sprouts, pancake mixtures, sauces, mayonnaise, etc.
Finely smashed vegetable purees, raw carrot purees, and fruit creams particularly for nurseries or special diets.

Product Description

The Dynamic Junior Plus mixer is light and easy to use, with a maximum capacity of 25 litres.

Not only great cream soups can  be mixed directly in the  bowl, but also fish soups, bread soups, spinach, chopped salads and sprouts, pancake mixtures, sauces, mayonnaise, etc.
Finely smashed vegetable purees, raw carrot purees, and fruit creams particularly for nurseries or special diets.


  • Safety switch
  • Double insulation
  • Variable speed control
  • Stainless tube
  • Stainless-steel bell
  • Titanium-plated blade easy to dismantled
  • Detachable tube
  • All stainless-steel
  • Detachable mixer tool



  • Machine diameter: 94mm
  • Total length: 505mm
  • Total length: 225mm
  • Weight: 1.9Kg
  • Output max: 270W
  • R.P.M. loaded: 12000 R.P.M.
  • Volume: 5 to 25L



Product Enquiry

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DMX225 MXO21 with spare parts breakdown

DMX225 MXO21